About Us
DPS Sahiwal is working under Sahiwal Education Trust (SETS) since 1986.
DPS Chichawatni Campus is also a part of DPS Sahiwal and SETS.
Call Us :040-5480300 & 5481300

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Best Teachers Award

Excellence Awards
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Success Stories
Higher education institutions are improving student performance through partnerships that focus on college and career readiness, online and blended learning, STEM education, competency-based education, and data and analytics.
Read these stories about successful learners and institutions across the country. We have an actual partnership with Pearson in terms of making things better for student.

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Expert Teacher
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Online Education
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We work hard to prepare every student for their professional life
Our courses offer a good compromise between the continuous assessment favoured by some universities and the emphasis placed on final exams by others.
Our Teachers
Observation is the first and most powerful step towards changing teaching practices. Daily observation reveals a wealth of information about students, their competencies and skills, and the work of the teacher.