Subject: Wearing Sweater & Coat. All the students will wear Sweater (Grey) from w.e.f. 21-11-2023 (Tuesday). Coat will be compulsory from 1st December. 2023.Please arrange accordingly. Thanks Principal
DIVISIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL & COLLEGE SAHIWAL (CHICHAWATNI CAMPUS) PUBLIC HOLIDAY CIRCULAR Dear Parents! This is to inform you that school & College will remain closed on account of Iqbal Day on 9th November 2023 (Thursday ) as per Government directive. …
Parent Teacher Meeting (P.T.M) 1ST Semester 2023 (K-G To VIII)
DIVISIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL & COLLEGE SAHIWAL (CHICHAWATNI CAMPUS) Subject: Winter School Timings It is to inform that DPS & College Chichawatni Campus is going to Change School & College Timings e.f 24Th October (Tuesday), 2023 . Kindly send and pick …
Dear Parents! A Parent Teacher meeting of Class IX To XII Will be held on 20-10-2023 (Friday) at 8:30 A.M To 11:30 A.M.
The timings for the whole school w.e.f. from 9th October 2023, will be 8:00 a.m. To 1:55 p.m. During 1st Semester Exams The timings of K-G TO VIII Classes is: 8:00 a.m. To 12:00 p.m. Please Note the time table as …
Respected Parents! All Parents are informed that DPS Chichawatni Campus will remain closed on 06-10-2023 (Friday) from K-G to VIII Classes due to Exam Preparations and Seating arrangements. Monthly Test of Class X To XII will be held as …
CIRCULAR DPS Sahiwal (Chichawatni Campus) will remain closed from 28th September 2023 (Thursday) to 1st October (Sunday) to curb the spread of Pink Eye Infection. DPS will reopen on 2nd October (Monday) From: Brig. (R) Syed Anwar ul Hasan Kirmani …
P.T.M Circular 2ND Monthly Test 1ST Semester 2023